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Wayland, NY


Investigators on site: Jennifer, Tracy and Tim along with Amy, Alyx and Robin

Claims of activity include:

• A ghost cat has been felt on several occasions

• Cupboards are heard opening and closing

• Hear the water running

• Their stuff is heard being “sorted through”. You’ll hear what sounds like someone going through bags (like groceries etc)

• Smell perfume and smoke at times

• Mumbled conversations between a man and a woman have been heard

• Footsteps

• Family heirlooms have been moved


This was our second investigation of this home. We were asked to see if we could obtain further information and/or interactions from the previous investigation.

Numerous pieces of furniture are original to this home and have not been moved. Robin's Grandmothers' clothing and jewelry are still there as well.

There has been family death in this home (natural) along with a broad and extensive list of deaths surrounding the property resulting in drowning in the marl beds. Men, women and children reportedly lost their lives to drowning.

*Photo of Perkinsville girls swimming in the marl beds. Date unknown 

Although we cannot determine the cause of the activity, there are many possibilities due to the history of the area and the contents in the home.

We have established that whomever we interacted with knows of the family, whether it is because they are also family, or have just observed over a long period of time, remains to be determined.




I love lime

We always keep rolling even through our breaks. During this break, a spirit voice chimed in and said they love lime after Robin described the salsa.

A woman's voice

Past energy remaining will emerge

at various times for many reasons